Monday, October 17, 2011


Six Months.
Six months have gone by.
That is insane!

Bennett and the Davis Clan had their Adoption Court Hearing this morning...I was stuck in Price giving my Business Law Exam a quick kick to the junk. That's right. I said it. I feel good about the test, but we shall see what the grades reflect.

Anyways.  I know I have been a slacker with Blogging. Sorry. It's not you,  it's my whole life. I suck at life. BUT, I have been having an amazing time. AND I do plan on updating you on all sorts of super-cool-great stuff.

But for now, Congrats to My Cherished Friends, the Davis Family. My family. I am so grateful for all the many blessings we have been given. Life would not be the same without Paxton and Bennett, thank you for being willing to take on that responsibility and being incredible parents! You are a joy and a treasure. I love you so very much.

Blog-Stalkers: We shall talk soon, and don't worry, more photos will be posted.
This weekend is Bennett's sealing.
Me = Photo-Happy can pretty much go without saying.

The Davis Clan (Aug '11)
Brotherly Love At Its Finest


  1. Jaylene that is so exciting! And can I just say that you are such a wonderful person! I can just tell how much you love that baby boy through your selflessness. Thank you for sharing your joy and journey with me:)
