Sunday, November 18, 2012


That is me.
Kissing my savings goodbye.

The Husband found & purchased a trials bike this weekend.

Which is great! Don't get me wrong, this is what we have been saving for, this was in the plan.
It just isn't a super convenient time for me.
Then again, when would be?

At least now I will get to focus my savings on other things.
Goodbye savings, hopefully we shall be reunited after the Christmas Holidays.

Side Note: I had to Google "how to spell a kissy sound" just to make sure I had it right. I care about you, that much!
Double Side Note: The Husband just read the blog post, and he just smiles ear-to-ear whenever his bike comes up. He is spoiled.

1 comment:

  1. Any savings to come to Canada???? We sure miss you up here!
