Friday, October 18, 2013

Ellie: One Month

Today Ellie is officially one month old...which is technically older than 4 weeks because of the way the months played out, but really, who's counting? (me...obviously)

Some things to make mention of:
  • she currently has blue eyes & light brown hair.
  • she's chunking up with chubby cheeks and a double chin.
  • we experienced some head-trama:
    • she went bald, just on the top of her head so she is rocking the Old Man Horseshoe hair.
    • her head is still very lumpy, which is fine, but Jordi seems to be overly concerned about it.
    • her skin was also incredibly dry and flaky, so we threw on some EVOO and gently scrubbed with her baby brush while she bathed (shampooing afterwards), it really helped.
  • speaking of, she loves the bath; she just lays there in awe of how awesome bathing is.
  • she doesn't mind tummy time, which is helping strengthen her neck, but she flops after a few seconds. (Her head is just so dang big and heavy!)
  • she is a fast eater, a few minutes on each side and she's done. 
  • she's not a screamer...she tends to whimper or gradually cry so you know she wants something. (And by then she better have what she wants!)
  • she is beginning to coo, will stick her tongue out, and there are a few smiles, but she generally scowls or is in wide-eyed-awe
  • she likes her Soothie (pacifier, sucky, whatever you call it) and staring at toys, the owls on her crib bumpers, windows, and anything with a big color contrast
  • sleeping in the crib continues to be a success, there are still ups and downs, but overall it is going well
  • unfortunately we don't have a set schedule yet, but we're working on it
One Month Old
Ellie, we are so blessed to have you in our family!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Flying Solo

It has happened.
Far sooner than I expected.
Eleanor slept in her crib in her bedroom last night.
All night.

She looks so small in her crib!
And she was fine. In fact, it was one of the best nights we've had yet!
(We have had some seriously lousy nights.)

After her 2-week check-up yesterday she ate and fell asleep nicely in the crib. So I left her there instead of transferring her to the bassinet. After her next feeding the same thing happened, and she was sleeping so soundly, so why tamper with it?

By the end of the night I figured we might try to leave her in there overnight and see how she does compared to the bassinet. We got her all ready to go, put an ipod on with some soothing sounds (light waves washing on shore) and closed the door.

It was so odd to not have her in our room, but at the same time it was probably good for me. 
For all of us, I'm sure.
I bet Jordi is really happy about it! 
We'll see how things go, but I'm thinking this will stick. 
I'm a tad sad, I feel like she's still so tiny and new, but if she's able to sleep better and we are able to sleep (period) than it's obviously what needs to happen.

She's just growing up so fast!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ellie: Two Weeks [Stats]

Ellie had her 2-week check-up with the pediatrician today.
Despite me being worried about taking her out (and how she'd behave), everything went very well, she was a champ!

She is currently 8 lbs and a little over 21" long.
Percentiles: Weight - 39th, Height - 84th, Head Circumference - 50th

Drawing blood for tests wasn't the most fun we've ever had, but I offered to take her for ice cream and she calmed down. (I will cash that promise in a few years from now...)

I asked all my questions (I had an entire list) and Dr. Buchanan did an excellent job consoling and relating to a first-time mom, I am definitely happy with the pediatrics office we've selected.

Our next appointment is at the two-month mark and Ellie will be getting some shots at that point, so there may be more empty promises for treats.
It feels like it's for-ev-er away, but hopefully until then she continues to grow and develop as she should.

Ellie & Her Canadian Moose
approx 2 weeks old
We love you, Eleanor! We feel so blessed to have you here!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sharing is Caring

This is a portion of an e-mail I received from Amy last yesterday (Sept 29), it's so awesome I can't help but share:

...I decided to treat the boys to a Happy Meal...Bennett ate his fries first, then some of his chicken nuggets and apple slices. Then he put the leftovers in his little box, closed the lid and said, "This is for my Birthmom Jaylene." Ha! So cute, so amazing, so funny that he referred to your fondness of McDonald's and that he wanted to give you the leftovers. Cheeky.

I am pretty confident that I have the best birth-son a woman could ever wish for.
From my heart to yours, B. <3

Borrowed from Amy's Blog
Posted Aug 2013