Thursday, October 3, 2013

Flying Solo

It has happened.
Far sooner than I expected.
Eleanor slept in her crib in her bedroom last night.
All night.

She looks so small in her crib!
And she was fine. In fact, it was one of the best nights we've had yet!
(We have had some seriously lousy nights.)

After her 2-week check-up yesterday she ate and fell asleep nicely in the crib. So I left her there instead of transferring her to the bassinet. After her next feeding the same thing happened, and she was sleeping so soundly, so why tamper with it?

By the end of the night I figured we might try to leave her in there overnight and see how she does compared to the bassinet. We got her all ready to go, put an ipod on with some soothing sounds (light waves washing on shore) and closed the door.

It was so odd to not have her in our room, but at the same time it was probably good for me. 
For all of us, I'm sure.
I bet Jordi is really happy about it! 
We'll see how things go, but I'm thinking this will stick. 
I'm a tad sad, I feel like she's still so tiny and new, but if she's able to sleep better and we are able to sleep (period) than it's obviously what needs to happen.

She's just growing up so fast!

1 comment:

  1. Sleepless nights when they are first born and then again as a teenager. We love hearing and seeing what the Pincock's are doing.

    Sister Davis
