Friday, October 18, 2013

Ellie: One Month

Today Ellie is officially one month old...which is technically older than 4 weeks because of the way the months played out, but really, who's counting? (me...obviously)

Some things to make mention of:
  • she currently has blue eyes & light brown hair.
  • she's chunking up with chubby cheeks and a double chin.
  • we experienced some head-trama:
    • she went bald, just on the top of her head so she is rocking the Old Man Horseshoe hair.
    • her head is still very lumpy, which is fine, but Jordi seems to be overly concerned about it.
    • her skin was also incredibly dry and flaky, so we threw on some EVOO and gently scrubbed with her baby brush while she bathed (shampooing afterwards), it really helped.
  • speaking of, she loves the bath; she just lays there in awe of how awesome bathing is.
  • she doesn't mind tummy time, which is helping strengthen her neck, but she flops after a few seconds. (Her head is just so dang big and heavy!)
  • she is a fast eater, a few minutes on each side and she's done. 
  • she's not a screamer...she tends to whimper or gradually cry so you know she wants something. (And by then she better have what she wants!)
  • she is beginning to coo, will stick her tongue out, and there are a few smiles, but she generally scowls or is in wide-eyed-awe
  • she likes her Soothie (pacifier, sucky, whatever you call it) and staring at toys, the owls on her crib bumpers, windows, and anything with a big color contrast
  • sleeping in the crib continues to be a success, there are still ups and downs, but overall it is going well
  • unfortunately we don't have a set schedule yet, but we're working on it
One Month Old
Ellie, we are so blessed to have you in our family!

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