Thursday, June 9, 2011

2 Months

Has the time gone by that fast?! Incredible. Honestly. I cannot believe it.
I will burst your bubbles now: there will be no new photos of Bennett tonight. I know, it sucks, I'm sorry! As soon as I have new ones, so shall you.
BUT, as promised, let's look at how fat I got while I was carrying that very special little man...
Remember when you had to do Timelines in school for certain Historical Projects? I wish I knew all the tricks of blogging and could do one for you. Saying, Oh, this is the day I tried to lay on my stomach and squashed all my organs. Or, Hey, this is the week I ate McDonald's at least 3 times. (Seriously, while Bennett & I were together, we LOVED Big Macs and Chicken Nuggets. mmmm.) Or, Yes, this is the day I peed my pants a little because I waited too long. (Only happened one time people, ONE TIME!) But alas, a picture-timeline with have to suffice...
12w 1d
16w 1d
19w 1d (when I found out Monster was a B-O-Y!)
20w 1d
25w 3d
40w (And Bennett's Birthday!)
Ta-Da! Fun, huh? So that's that. I will have to go into more detail about my pregnancy some other time...I was trying to line up all the photos and make them smaller so it wouldn't be such a scroll-party, but I couldn't figure it out. Go figure.
Anyways, one other thing I wanted to share with you: 

Aaaaaaaaand that was a video of Bennett busting his way out of the womb. Well, attempting to anyways. BUT, I have been waiting and waiting for the video to upload...and then it finally gets to 100%...and then starts all over again. So, rain check on that. I am going to try to throw it on youtube then get it over here...but youtube is telling me I need to log out to sign-up. Am I running around in internet circles?

Bennett: There is such a sweet spirit crammed into that tiny body of yours. Know that I am in awe of you, that you are my greatest accomplishment in life, and that my love for you is infinite. I miss you and I can hardly wait for when we are reunited again... Get ready for a lot of cuddling and kisses! Continue to behave well for Jared & Amy, and be a good little brother to P. (He will show you some sweet dance moves when you start to stand on your own two feet.) Always stand up for what is right, and never be afraid of a challenge. You are my little champion.
Your Birthmom, Jaylene



    I will never forget that moment! I love you to bits and I love Bennett to pieces! I cannot wait to get my hands on him and cuddle and play and make him laugh! You rock my friend.

    YOU R-O-C-K!!!!

  2. you looked amazing all the way through your entire pregnancy!
