Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baby, Baby, Baby Oh!

Did I ever tell you I love The Biebs?
'Cause I sure do.
But I am pretty confident it's mutual. That's why we made this week video together:
Click it. Do it. I dare you. Double-Dog-Dare you.

Anyways. This is not about Justin and Jaylene. This is what you have all been waiting for:
cute baby photos

Amy HAD to have this 53" Bear
Hurray! So these are of Bennett at the Two-Month mark. He is doing wonderfully. He weighed in at 15.28 pounds and is in the 98.83 percentile for weight. But I mean, look at those cheeks, not really surprising now is it. BUT, in his defense, he is in the 90.14 percentile for length, so all that weight is distributed. Well, other than the 3-5 pounds he is harbouring in his cheeks we discussed earlier.

But what a handsome little man. Sorry. I can't help but brag. He does have excellent genetics. Ah-thank you, thank you.

So. This is him. Sorry there are SO MANY photos. Well, I'm not that sorry.

As for me. Well. I am good. For the past 12 Days or so, I have been on the Master Cleanse.
Ya. You know the one: water, Lemon Juice, and honey (traditionally maple syrup). In all honesty, it wasn't too terrible. Mind you, I did cheat a few times, eating small things here and there. But now I am free to eat food and I am so excited! I made spaghetti and sauce tonight. De-lish!

Work is still going well. I love that I know most of the people in the office and there is a very friendly atmosphere.

And no Diva-Drama. I hate when you are in an office with other women and it just gets out.of.control. But I am the only Admin person in our South Office, so I have a lot of freedom and don't have to deal with any drama. Insert calm, relaxing exhale here. Mmmm.

I also joined a Yoga Studio right across the street from my office. 
They are offering 2 Months Unlimited Yoga for $49
Dang son!

So I signed up and have attended two classes thus far, going again tomorrow (well, today. Hello 1:03am, when did you get here!?) morning at 9am. It is a GREAT way to start the weekend and I have really enjoyed it thus far. Please understand, I am not flexible at all. So the fact that I like it is saying a lot. I grabbed my toes on Thursday night. And for those that don't realize: that's a big deal. For me.

One last update on me for now: Budgeting has taken center stage!
Because I am in Edmonton to work my tail feathers off (it's about time I get rid of those anyway...)
to put money against my Student Loans (*shake angry fist) I want to save as much as possible. 
My dear friend Rachael made up a Budget for me, organizing how much I need to put against my loan and what I had for each department of my life (tithing, gas, groceries, extra fun money, etc. etc.). And the great thing is she did it paycheck by paycheck so I know exactly how everything breaks down. I went grocery shopping yesterday and I enjoyed the challenge of planning my meals and making things stretch. And when all was said and done at Superstore, I was underbudget! Hurray!

So. Life is wonderful. I have to give a talk in church Sunday. Father's Day. I will also have to think of something sappy enough to make Jared cry... That will take some serious effort. That man is too busy smiling all the time to shed a tear. (Just teasing, I love ya!)

Tons and TONS of love,

So. Impossibly. Cute.

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